Online Gambling Legal In South Carolina

Online gambling is a popular pastime that has grown in popularity over the past decade. Many states in the United States have legalized online gambling and South Carolina is no exception. The state of South Carolina has recently made online gambling legal, making it one of the few states to do so. This article will provide an overview of online gambling legal in South Carolina, including the laws and regulations that govern it, and the types of online gambling activities allowed in the state.

Is Online Gambling Legal In South Carolina?

The South Carolina legislature has recently legalized online gambling in the state. Online gambling is legal for all residents of South Carolina over the age of 21. The state has put measures in place to ensure that online gambling is conducted in a responsible manner, and to protect consumers from unscrupulous operators.

Online Gambling Regulation In South Carolina

The South Carolina Gaming Commission is responsible for regulating all online gambling activities in the state. The Commission is tasked with ensuring that all online gambling activities are conducted in a manner that is fair and transparent, and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The Commission also has the authority to investigate and take action against any online gambling operators that are found to be in violation of state law.

Types Of Online Gambling Allowed In South Carolina

Online gambling activities that are allowed in South Carolina include online sports betting, online casino gaming, online poker and daily fantasy sports. All of these activities must be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations put in place by the South Carolina Gaming Commission. The Commission also ensures that all online gambling activities are conducted in a safe and secure manner.

Regulations for Online Gambling in South Carolina

Under the regulations of the South Carolina Gaming Commission, all online gambling activities in the state are required to be licensed and regulated. This includes the software used to conduct the activities, as well as the operators themselves. All operators must be licensed by the Commission and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, all online gambling sites must use secure systems to protect players from theft, fraud, and other malicious activities.

Online Gambling Security and Protection

In order to ensure the security of online gambling activities in South Carolina, the Commission has put in place numerous safeguards. All operators are required to have strong encryption protocols to protect players’ personal information and financial transactions. In addition, operators must have procedures in place to identify and prevent underage gambling, as well as to detect and prevent money laundering and other criminal activities.


Online gambling is now legal in South Carolina, but it is important to remember that all gambling activities should be conducted responsibly. The South Carolina Gaming Commission is responsible for regulating all online gambling activities in the state, and has put in place measures to ensure that all activities are conducted in a fair and secure manner. With the proper precautions and regulations in place, online gambling in South Carolina can be an enjoyable and safe experience for all participants.